1. Get healthy - exercise regularly & eat whole foods
2. Be more daring with my hair - I've had the same haircut for pretty much my whole life
So, number one takes time, repetition, and lifestyle changes. Basically it is a work in progress. But number two I took into my own hands! This is how my hair looked, but that was soon to change!
On Saturday the 1st, I went into the mall & chopped off 6-7 inches off the back of my hair!!!!!!! I got an A-line cut (quite a bit shorter than I was intending), I left feeling like... meh.
As I walked to the car I felt like maybe I had just made a mistake.
As I began to drive home, I felt at the missing hair around my neck and felt my eyes getting warm. I started to pep talk myself, in the car. "Look at you! So brave, trying new things! And you chopped off all that unhealthy hair! And remember, hair will grow back... even if it takes 4 years..."
I finally parked I put on my bravest face to show my husband, I opened the door and said hello I just began sobbing. My poor husband held me as I repeated how I looked just like a boy and how unflattering this looked and how the hair stylist had betrayed me by cutting off much more than I approved and how I was so stupid to cut off my hair, etc. When I eventually calmed down, thanks to a loving husband who knows what to say, I took a moment to pull out my curler to style my hair. Then I took a good long look in the mirror.
This is what I saw:

And to be honest, it was cute. You know what, it was sassy! And the more I felt it the more I realized my hair felt soft & healthy. Dare I say ... Thick? And it was nice to feel my hair tickling the back of my neck, and to not have to pull my hair out of my jacket.
So, in conclusion... it wasn't so bad as I thought. So my challenge for you is to actually do those New Years resolutions, even the scary ones that you're not sure of. Because you might realize that all these years you thought you were a long hair kind of gal, you might actually like a short do.
So cute to read this, even though I've heard the story. And yes, you look d*** sassy!!! Haha!