But when you give someone a credit card use your hand to swipe. Anyway, to retaliate he rubs back and forth between me wee bum. Needless to say I scream out
"You're giving me butt burn"
short for an Indian rug burn between my cheeks! Jon bursts out laughing and told me if I didn't post this I could look forward to further pain. So I apologize for anyone who reads this post and is offended, but it was a risk I had to take!
I hope poor Michael doesn't read this post about his sweet innocent sister!! Haha, I had a roommate that used to credit card us EVERY time we turned around... oh my gosh - she still deserves a butt burn!! PS. You should probably do an extra spell check on the first sentence of your second paragraph - I accidentally laughed more at that than anything else. I'm sorry - too funny!