On the menu:
Mexican Soup with Sour Cream & Cheese
Aubrey came over and taught us how to make a delicious hearty soup. Complete with tomatoes, onions, garlic, beans etc.
Clam Chowder in a Sourdough Bread Bowl
Disney's own recipe. This was the first time Jon had ever seen what a clam actually looked like, and the first time I had ever had home made clam chowder. We bought $4 bread bowls that were so big nobody could finish them.
It was fun how many people associate places with clam chowder. Mike, Jon's dad, couldn't help but sitting in a cafe in San Francisco eating a bowl, while I grew up eating it on the corner of New Orlean's in Disneyland, and my mom always had it in a little eatery at Pismo (a little beach town in California).
Chowder, like so many types of food, bring people together I think.
Goat Cheese Chicken with a Beef Tomato Sauce
Last night Jon realized that we had frozen chicken breast in the fridge and made us this amazing dinner. We didn't eat till about 9 and I was so hungry I just chowed down without really tasting the food at first. Jon pointed that out and said, "so what did you think?" how rude of me to just eat and not be grateful for the hard work my husband had put into it. And just for the record, it tasted sublime!
*Note: I always write this blog and Jon tells me I haven't named it right. So, in most cases its just my best try :) So please excuse the food titles!
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