And Rachel was the sweetest, yelling out "SavANna" whenever she wanted to show me her sweet little stick figure art with the boobies drawn on. Its so funny what kids draw/notice. Her mom kept telling me how she just sees a little me in Rachel, and I have to admit, her creative princess loving carefree personality rings familiar.
And sweet smart Emma was the perfect big sister, helping me watch baby Michael & telling me just how he likes to be held. All the sisters were so excited at their new addition to the family and called him "my baby." Michael was so full of joy and happiness, and wasn't even fussy after flying across the country.

Being an Aunt is so wonderful, but makes me think about my own aunts. Did they love me as much as I love these beautiful children? And if so, how sad that I haven't been more appreciative of their love and care! I have fond memories of my aunts, remembering them as these beautiful artistic look-a-likes to my mother, or loud and fun Murdocks who always included me as one of their own. So, in case you haven't, remember to thank you aunts & uncles who loved you so much when you were small and probably still love you from afar.
Oh my gosh these pictures are darling. I love my aunts... and I love your aunts even more!! Haha. Such lovely ladies.