Before he left, we were chatting over instant messaging & I asked him:
"what can I do?" Meaning, what can I do to help? He responded with the sweetest IM ever:
you can paint really well, you make eggs like nobodies business, you look really beautiful when you part your hair down the middle. You can work really hard and always have a good attitude. you can give great massages. You can be a great teacher to those you teach. You can exhibit faith better than anyone else I know. You can laugh at the dumbest thing on earth and then when I say something hilarious you don't laugh. You can drive without getting in accidents, you can type really fast. You can make quick work of the dishes. You can follow directions to a T. You can listen really well when someone is depressed. You can lift the spirits of others around you with a simple and stunning smile. You can coordinate your clothing very well. You can watch me carry in all of the groceries. You can support people when they need it. You can make anyone feel loved and appreciated. You can tell mildly funny jokes like a semi-professional. You can listen to Christmas music ALL YEAR LONG. You can exhibit great attributes of love, faith, compassion and charity to those in need. And above all else, you can stand to be with someone who at times is annoying, childish, crazy, loud, pessimistic, rude, extroverted, rough, over-the-top, talks to much, rebellious, unenthusiastic, stingy, cheap, vain, reckless, ignorant, arrogant, ill behaved, crass but despite all of these things loves you with every part of his tiny callous heart.
Hahaha so awesome Jon! That made me smile :)
ReplyDeleteOk I forgive him (see previous post) be safe on your trip (Jon) and you (Savanna) are all the wonderful things he says... I concur