Day 01
15 Facts about yourself:

1. My birthday is one month after Valentine's Day
2. I secretly LOVE Star Wars
3. I openly LOVE Disney
4. My two best friends are Samantha Steigleder & Anna Allen
5. I have 4 awesome siblings
6. I have been dying my hair since I was about 12 or 13 years old
7. Spring is my favorite season
8. Christmas is, by far, my favorite holiday
9. My favorite color is purple
10. My favorite number is 17
11. "The Alchemist" is my favorite book
12. I married the love of my life
13. I am an artist
14. I really really really want to travel the world someday
15. I am an avid journal keeper
Oh my gosh... If everyone in the world were as cute as you... it would be a very VERY cute world!! These things are SO SAVANNA!!